Brief History

BT&C was established in 1989 as an educational company focused on training scientists in molecular biology techniques. This company arose from continuing education courses that were started at Cook College, Rutgers University, in 1985. The program founder was David Burden, then a graduate student, along with several graduate student colleagues, under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Eveleigh. BT&C was established by Dr. Burden, who in 1991 spun off the Biotechnology Training Institute, located in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Again relying on colleagues, the hands-on laboratory courses expanded from molecular biology into other disciplines, such as protein purification, enzymology, cell culture, peptide synthesis, PCR methods, and general biotechnology courses for non-professionals.

Over the next decade the aim of the company shifted from teaching scientists laboratory skills to helping solve issues for clients, as well as participating in curricula development sponsored by corporate foundations. Currently our role has again shifted into supplying educational companies with products that can be used in the classroom, such as microbial cultures and transformation ready cells.

Currently the company operates under OPS Diagnostics LLC, established in 2001.